Rockin' Cool Freedom School
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The CDF Freedom Schools® program seeks to build strong, literate, and empowered children prepared to make a difference in themselves, their families, communities, nation and world today. By providing summer and after-school reading enrichment for children who might otherwise not have access to books, the CDF Freedom Schools program plays a much needed role in helping to curb summer learning loss and close achievement gaps — and is a key part of CDF’s work to ensure a level playing field for all children.
In partnership with local congregations, schools, colleges and universities, and community organizations, the CDF Freedom Schools® program boosts student motivation to read, generates more positive attitudes toward learning, increases self-esteem and connects the needs of Ohio’s children and families to the resources of their communities. Between 2011 and 2016, thirty-six sponsor organizations staffed by passionate servant leader interns have served 6,633 children at 56 CDF Freedom Schools summer program sites in Ohio.
The CDF Freedom Schools model incorporates the totality of the Children’s Defense Fund’s mission by fostering environments that support children and young adults to excel and believe in their ability to make a difference. Site coordinators and project directors are also trained by CDF to provide supervision and administrative oversight.